
学術論文(Journal articles)

  1. Construction of yeast producing patchoulol by global metabolic engineering strategy. R. Mitsui, R. Nishikawa, R. Yamada*, T. Matsumoto, H. Ogino, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, in press
  2. Chemical treatments for modification and immobilization to improve the solvent-stability of lipase. T. Matsumoto, R. Yamada*, H. Ogino, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, (2019) 35, 193
  3. N-linked glycosylation of thermostable lipase from Bacillus thermocatenulatus to improve organic solvent stability. S. Kajiwara, R. Yamada*, T. Matsumoto, H. Ogino, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, (2020) 132, 109416
  4. CRISPR system in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its application in the bioproduction of useful chemicals. R. Mitsui, R. Yamada*, H. Ogino, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, (2019) 35, 111
  5. n-Butylamine production from glucose using a transaminase-mediated synthetic pathway in Escherichia coli. T. Matsumoto, Y. Mori, T. Tanaka*, A. Kondo, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, (2020) 129, 99-103
  6. Improved stress tolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by CRISPR-Cas-mediated genome evolution. R. Mitsui, R. Yamada*, H. Ogino, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, (2019) 189, 810-821
  7. Modification of lipase from Candida cylindracea with dextran using the borane-pyridine complex to improve organic solvent stability. S. Kajiwara, K. Komatsu, R. Yamada*, T. Matsumoto, M. Yasuda, H. Ogino, Journal of Biotechnology, (2019) 296, 1-6
  8. A useful propionate cofactor enhancing activity for organic solvent-tolerant recombinant metal-free bromoperoxidase (perhydrolase) from Streptomyces aureofaciens. H. China, H. Ogino*, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, (2019) 516, 327-332
  9. Cellulases and xylanase immobilized on chitosan magnetic particles in application for coconut husk hydrolysis. A. Hamzah, S. Ainiyah, D. Ramadhani, G. E. K. Parwita, Y. Rahmawati, Soeprijanto, H. Ogino, A. Widjaja*, International Journal of Technology, (2019) 10, 613-623

学術講演発表(Conference presentations)

  1. 化学工学会第85年会(2020年3月,吹田),濱田直樹,松本拓也,山田亮祐,荻野博康「セルロース系バイオマスからのメバロン酸の生産を指向した大腸菌の創生
  2. 化学工学会第85年会(2020年3月,吹田),大澤知己,松本拓也,山田亮祐,荻野博康「酵母を用いた酵素のミトコンドリア局在化によるβ-カロテン高効率生産
  3. The 25th Symposium of Young Asian Biological Engineers’ Community(2019年11月,ソウル)R. Mitsui, R. Yamada, H. Ogino「D-Lactic acid production by engineered yeast in non-neutralizing condition
  4. 極限環境生物学会第20回年会(2019年11月, 京都), 松本 拓也, 野上 洋平, 山田 亮祐, 荻野 博康 「Thermomyces lanuginosus由来リパーゼへの有機溶媒耐性付与
  5. 酵素工学研究会第82回講演会 (2019年11月, 東京)松本 拓也, 野上 洋平, 山田 亮祐, 荻野 博康「Thermomyces lanuginosus由来リパーゼへの有機溶媒耐性付与
  6. 第6回TT-netワークショップ (2019年10月, 堺), 松本 拓也, 「微生物を触媒とした酸化還元反応の利用
  7. 23rd International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium(2019年10月,福岡),  M. Kamino, T. Matsumoto, R. Yamada, Y. Konishi, H. Ogino, 「Identification of Escherichia coli genes responsible for reduction of palladium ion
  8. 23rd International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium(2019年10月,福岡), Y. Tanaka, M. Kamino, T. Matsumoto, R. Yamada, Y. Konishi, H. Ogino「Identification of Escherichia coli genes responsible for adsorption of palladium ion
  9. 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress(2019年9月,札幌),R. Mitsui, R. Yamada, T. Matsumoto, H. Ogino「Construction and analysis of engineered D-lactic acid tolerant Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  10. 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress(2019年9月,札幌),T. Matsumoto, Y. Nogami, R. Yamada, H. Ogino「The improvement of organic solvent-tolerant lipase from Thermomyces lanuginosus
  11. 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress(2019年9月,札幌),A. Mizobata, R. Mitsui, R. Yamada, T. Matsumoto, H. Ogino「Improvement of 2,3-butandiol tolerance in yeast by a novel mutagenesis strategy
  12. 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress(2019年9月,札幌),S. Hama, Y. Miyamoto, T. Matsumoto, R. Yamada, H. Ogino「Production of bioalkanes using engineered Escherichia coli
  13. 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress(2019年9月,札幌),Y. Kumata, R. Mitsui, R. Yamada, T. Matsumoto, H. Ogino「Improvement of lactic acid tolerance in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by optimizing the expression of transcription factors
  14. 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress(2019年9月,札幌),R. Yamada, R. Nishikawa, R. Mitsui, T. Matsumoto, H. Ogino「Modulation of the mevalonate pathway in yeast for efficient patchoulol production by global metabolic engineering
  15. 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress(2019年9月,札幌),T. Matsumoto, N. Hamada, T. Tanaka,  H. Ogino「The effect of single gene knockout on mevalonate production by Escherichia coli
  16. Biotrans2019 (2019年7月,Groningen,Netherlands) T. Matsumoto,N. Hamada,T. Matsui,T. Tanaka,H. Ogino 「The effect of gene knockout on mevalonate production or electricity generation by Escherichia coli
  17. The 14th Asian Congress on Biotechnology (2019年7月, Taipei, Taiwan) R. Kitayama, T. Matsumoto, R. Yamada, H. Ogino「Enzyme peptide synthesis of Gly-Tyr precursor using an organic solvent-stable protease
  18. 第19回 日本蛋白質科学会年会(2019年6月, 神戸), 松本拓也 「Harnessing the sortase A-mediated peptide ligation 」